Tuesday 24 February 2009

Russell Brand Live!!

The marmite of comedy, Russell Brand, you either love him or you hate him! And just like marmite, I absolutly adore him. 

For my 21st birthday, I was given front row tickets to see Russell Brand's new tour, Scandalous in Nottingham on the 20/02/09. I was so excited as the day drew closer, and finally the day came when I would get to see the comic genius on stage, live! 

Brand had a support act on before his set, a comedien by the name of Mr. Gee. He was a performance poet from London, who had appeared on Brand's BBC Radio 2 show before the show was cancelled. Mr. Gee warmed the audience up brilliantly for the main event, poking fun at himself and Brand, and performing his poems. Mr. Gee touched on the subjects of the credit crunch and todays youth, amoung other things. 

Finally, Brand waltzed onto stage in his usual flamboyant manner, thanking the screaming fans as usual. He was wearing skin tight leggins, with a studded belt, leather jacket, black t-shirt, scarf and undone boots. The air was thick with excitement as Brand exited the stage and came straight into the audience. He interacted with various audience members, even sitting on the lap of some guy. I couldn't believe my luck as he swaggered past me, looking more like Captain Jack Sparrow than a boy from Essex. 

Brand returned to the stage and began his set. He brought up quite controversial subjects, from the Andrew Sachs fiasco, to hosting the VMAs in America, where he starred in an advert with Britney Spears and insulted George Bush. The highlight of the evening was seeing Brand bounce around to the theme for the News At Ten, screeching 'I am the news!!' 

All in all, I throughly enjoyed the evening of comedic entertainment, with the slight undertones of something more serious trying to be conveyed through laughter. It's nice to have a breath of fresh air during the troubles of todays world.

Thursday 19 February 2009

The Woes of Hairdye

So, the roots were starting to irritate me quite abit, so I decided to re-dye my hair a nice beautiful blonde! There I sat with the stinking stuff covering my hair for 45 minutes only to realise that my roots had decided to turn a dark shade of ginger! Not the look I was going for! Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against ginger hair, but I wantedBLONDE!! All I could do was pout and glare at the smug woman on the front with her beautiful blonde locks!!

Everyone told me that it didn't look too bad, but I couldn't face the mirror! I braved the shops and Kitty-Kat told me that I had the worst hair out of everyone now! I was DISTRAUGHT!! 

Upon attending uni the next day, I pulled a hat on to cover the mishap, and LittleGreenAlien took me shopping, where we found a new lovely shade! 

I waited in suspense as the smelly slime was applied to my hair...

Almost an hour later the transformation was complete! It wasn't quite what I was expecting, I love it!!

So, my dear readers (if there is any of you), the moral of this story is don't judge a colour by its box!!

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Attack of the Cream!

Hot chocolate, marshmallows, whipped cream, magic stars, popcorn, skittles and cheesy chick flicks...what more could you want on a lazy Tuesday night? A cream fight perhaps?

The night was turning out to be quite fun, although by the end I was feeling quite sick from the consumption of all the junk food I and my friend had provided. We played the first film, 'Bend It Like Beckham', as we both have a slight obesession with a certain someone from the movie, and all went well. Nothing out of the ordinary, just a few friends chilling out, eating, and watching movies.

However, as the film ended and we played 'Pretty Woman' the atmosphere was beginning to take a change. Maybe from all of the E numbers we had consumed, or maybe from boredom, who knows? But things started to get silly. First, the competition! Who could fit the most marshmallows into their mouth at once? The answer, me! Eight in total...although it was a struggle because I couldn't help but laugh. However, I had to control myself as a big gooey mess of marshmallows all over my friends face would most probably put a downer on the whole evening. Time to call the Ghostbusters maybe?

We did settle down for a time after this, although we consumed yet more food and proceeded to get out the whipped cream. First, it was all harmless fun...just a smiley face in cream on my mates face, but she decided she wanted to throw the cream at me!

BIG MISTAKE! I had the whipped cream can in my hand...revenge is always a dish best served cold! By the end of the fight, the kitchen was covered in cream...and so were we.

It was all fun and games until we realised that because the kitchen was sweltering hot and we had neglected to place the cream in the fridge; the end result was that the cream smelt absolutly discusting!!

After ourselves and the kitchen was cleaned up, there was only one course of action...a fag and then bed!