Thursday 19 February 2009

The Woes of Hairdye

So, the roots were starting to irritate me quite abit, so I decided to re-dye my hair a nice beautiful blonde! There I sat with the stinking stuff covering my hair for 45 minutes only to realise that my roots had decided to turn a dark shade of ginger! Not the look I was going for! Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against ginger hair, but I wantedBLONDE!! All I could do was pout and glare at the smug woman on the front with her beautiful blonde locks!!

Everyone told me that it didn't look too bad, but I couldn't face the mirror! I braved the shops and Kitty-Kat told me that I had the worst hair out of everyone now! I was DISTRAUGHT!! 

Upon attending uni the next day, I pulled a hat on to cover the mishap, and LittleGreenAlien took me shopping, where we found a new lovely shade! 

I waited in suspense as the smelly slime was applied to my hair...

Almost an hour later the transformation was complete! It wasn't quite what I was expecting, I love it!!

So, my dear readers (if there is any of you), the moral of this story is don't judge a colour by its box!!

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